News and What's New
On The Site 2009

It is intended to use this page to keep you updated on what's going on, what past squadron members have been located and, what has been added or changed since your last visit.

The Site is searching for 4050th APS, 814th APS/CDS/SPS and 99th SPS Patches. If you, or some one you know, are/is willing to sell and or donate a 4050th APS, a 814th APS/CDS/SPS or a 99th SPS patch please contact the Site Webmaster: [here]

"what's new."

Archived 2007 entries can be found [Here]

Archived 2008 entries can be found [Here]

December, 2009


Maurice A. Bourque signed into the site on 12/28/09. Maurice was a member of the 814th from Aug. 1963 to Feb. 1967.


The website has had a request to assist in locating Donald Keach. Don was a member of the 814th CDS in the 1962-63 time frame. Don was one of the 814th members that were billeted out in the Stony Brook barracks. The last information the site administrator has was that Don Keach was still in the Springfield area in 1964. A new member to the site Ronald (Ron) L. Guerette has ask for assistance in locating Donald Keach. If anyone has information regarding Don's whereabouts or how to contact him please contact the site administrator by email, just click[here] 12/21/90

Peter (Pete) Dorofy checked in and emailed some photos of himself and "the crew." You can check out Peter's Bio page [Here]. His other photos will be up soon. When they are, you can find them on page two of "photos from the past."


A warm welcome to Wilber "pete" Jones. Pete was assigned to the 814th CDS from Oct. 1962 to 1964. Pete also served at the "Goose" from 1965 to 1966.

November, 2009


We have had a response from the Air Force Historical Research Agency regarding the notification by the then SAC Inspector General's determination that the 814th CDS was determined to be the "best CDS in SAC." The following is the official response from the site's inquiry: "The SAC Inspector General's determination that the 814th CDS was the "Best Combat Defense Squadron in SAC" did not automatically entitle the 814th CDS to the Air Force Outstanding Unit Award. The organizational records of the 814th Combat Defense Squadron, which was later redesignated as the 814th Security Police Squadron, show that the unit was not awarded an Air Force Outstanding Unit Award."


Pat Addison has provided scanned copies of the Westover Flyer, pages 1 and 11 of the November 1, 1963 addition. These two pages covered then President Kennedy's visit to Westover on October 26, 1963. President Kennedy was assassinated November 22, 1963. The scanned copy of these two pages can be seen on page two of Photos From The here then scroll down to the bottom of the page


Members and visitors to the site will notice on the home page that on November 19th 1964 the 814th CDS was recognized as the best Combat Defense Squadron in SAC. It would be very helpful if any visitor or, member of the 814th CDS at the time of SAC's recognition, has any information and/or documentation if this event authorized the issuance of a ribbon or citation. The USAF Office of Heraldry does not provide any data on this event. In the event you can provide information on this please contact the site administrator Here

October, 2009


October 2009 turned out to be a quiet month with only one past member of the 99th SPS entering data on his assignment to Westover.


Reporting In: Barry Laws from Wyndham Vale in Victoria AU has been added to the list of past squadron members. Barry served at Westover from 1969 to 1970 as a member of the 99th SPS. He also served at Merted Turkey from 1968 to 1969 and in Dangnang Vietnam from 1970 to 1971.

September, 2009


Robert L. Gantz: 814thCDS K-9 from June 1964 to June 1968 Checked into the site and sent in his duty station information. Welcome to the site Bob, hope you find it interesting and informative. As always, if you have any photos and or squadron information please consider forwarding it so it can be added to our Squadron's History. You can check out Bob's bio page [Here]

August, 2009


Several newly located past members of the 814th and the 99th have been added to the expanding list of located members of the security Squadrons that served Westover from 1955 though 1974. Check out the growing list [Here]

I would ask that those past members that have indicated that they have photos and/or some form of Squadron Memorabilia, to take a few moments and search for those items. We need them to make this site interesting and meaningful. Please consider emailing them to me here 08/09/09

Jim Hammond (814thCDS 1959-1960) has sent in a selection of photos and they are now up on Page two of photos from the past. Thanks Jim your sharing of these photos is greatly appreciated.

July, 2009


James Hammond, 814th CDS from 1958 to 1962, filled out and sent in the Squadron Questionnaire. Jim is now listed on the members page. Jim would appreciate hearing from other Squadron Members. Just click on his name and it will load his bio page where you will find his email address. We are waiting for a photo from him to add to his bio page.

June, 2009


A warm welcome is extended to Ron Townsend a member of the 99th SPS from Sep. 1967 to Mar. 1970. Ron spent some time on the Ramp and the 8th AF Alternate Command Center (The Notch). Ron also went TDY to U-Tapao for the 68/69 Arc Light deployment.

May, 2009


A warm welcome is extended to John P. (Pat) Addison a member of the 814th CDS from Jan. 1961 to Sep. 1964. Pat also served at the 8th AF Alternate Command Center (The Notch) for one year under Sgt. Bode.

April, 2009


The site webmaster is back at the computer. Thanks for all your good wishes and messages of support. The surgery was a success.

March, 2009

Your webmaster is out on sick leave.

February, 2009


A warm welcome is extended to Steve Rinaldo a member of the 99th SPS from 1969 to 1971. Steve served at Griffis AFB with the 416th, at Cam Ranh Bay with the 12th SPS and with the 99th SPS at Westover.


A warm welcome is extended to Gregory L. Bortner a member of the 99th SPS from 1971 to 1975. Greg found our site then filled in the Squadron information form and sent it in. Happy to have you on the site Greg.


As most of you know, this site is a one person operation. Unfortunately this one person will be going in for surgery on Tuesday February 3rd, 2009. I expect to be out of service for about two to three weeks. My wife will keep checking the mail and will let me know when and if something comes up. I fully expect to be back at the computer before the end of the month. Take care, keep looking for those photos, Squadron documents and try to remember where you stashed the duty roster that you took down from the Bulletin Board. See you on the flip side: Your Webmaster, Alan Hayes - USAF Prior Service 1958 - 1962 814th CDS Westover AFB (SAC).

January, 2009


The website extends a warm welcome to John E. McNamara. John served with the 4050th APS in 1955 when SAC first started here at Westover. Welcome John glad you found us. Rummage through your memories and photo collection see if you have anything that can help the site document the 4050th.


Harry Stringer (4050th APS and 814th APS) has sent in his memory of returning home from TDY at Thule Air Base - Greenland. It can be found by checking "Stories From The Flight Line" on the contents page. Last one down on the list posted on 01/28/09


Lets have a warm welcome for William R. Shaw 99th SPS from 1969 - 1971. Bill sent in his Westover service information and is now listed on the Members Page.


Harry Stringer (4050th APS and 814th APS) has sent in a rather humorous memory of his time on the flight line. It can be found by checking "Stories From The Flight Line" on the contents page.

New Information has been added to Les Linstrom's Biography Page. Check it out by clicking on his name on the members page.


A big welcome to Richard M. Rock. Our first new member of 2009. Richard served with the 814th CDS from November of 1959 to July of 1961.

Harry Stringer (4050th APS and 814th APS) sent in a scan of the "Westover Pass Map" circa 1956 or 1957. It is on Photos From The Past Page 2. Thanks Harry.

On Saturday January 3rd, the file server that hosts this website was taken off line for upgrading. Unfortunately, the site was down for 7 days which means this website was off line for the full week of January 4th. We are now back up and fully functional. In the event anyone attempted to access the site during this time period we extend our apologies.

Alan Hayes
Webmaster 814th CDS

Bulletin Board